Sunday, March 9, 2008

South by so Far

Wow, this is more than I really expected. I expected a lot, too.

Julie and I have been to just a couple of panels so far today and we are blown away by the quality of speakers, the expertise, the thought and follow-thru that each of these panels has had. I've learned a lot already... hopefully some of it will sink in.

A few highlights:

- The first session we attended this morning was "Everyone's a Design Critic" which deals with client situations that Julie and I face on a regular basis. It was room full of designers that all share the same experiences, conflicts, fights and strife when dealing with clients at challenging times in the design process. One of the speakers, Jason Santa Maria, was tops on my list of folks to hear this weekend, and it was even better than expected. not only is he a really talented designer, but a great speaker and thoughtful presenter. His partner in crime during the panel was Rob Weychert, a classmate of his in college and also a talented designer. He had a totally bitchin' beard too. They had a great chemistry on stage - it was a pretty funny panel. Designer geekness for sure. Love it.

- "Everything I learned about Accessibility I learned from Star Wars" was a pretty dorky panel, but the speaker, Derek Featherstone made it pretty entertaining. He was dressed in a Jedi-style Obi Won robe and had a pretty good slideshow/presentation to go along with his discussion. Can't say I got too much out of the whole thing, but it was entertaining.

- Logos: Why They're Irrelevant and Can Actually Hurt Your Business. Yeah... a designer fight is on! This was a great discussion on how the logo seems to becoming less and less important in the interactive world and beyond. This panel ended up being pretty interesting and evoked quite a reaction form the crowd. The logo fight was on. Is the logo still relevant? How relevant? How much time should be spent in the processes - especially for a start up. What about a start-up whose goal is just to be bought up. Throwaway logos are springing up everywhere. Logo soup, too much out there, does it still have meaning? Are they just wasting time on design iterations instead of working on the core of their business when the logo may not matter anyway. No answers here... just good discussion.

Other random stuff:

- Walked past Morgan Spurlock in the lobby. He's obviously here for the film festival
- Interviews going on everywhere. Julie and I were interviewed on computer chips. Awesome? sure.
- Everyone is one Twitter. EVERYONE. It's amazing
- Most folks have laptops and iPhones. Blogging going on all the time. I fit right in.


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