

Chicago rooftops

Not the best photo, but that's what you get from a camera phone late at night. Anyways, this photo was taken from the rooftop of the Crosshair headquarters in Chicago, near Union Park. I think they call it printer's row? Or, maybe that is close by? Not sure. Anyways, the guys from Crosshair threw a little party after the first day of Flatstock. They had plenty of Miller High Life and Old Style for the poster geeks to drink. I tell you what - I had ONE Old Style that night on the roof (it was the only beer I had that day) and I had a headache the next morning. What the hell is in that stuff, and why do Chicago folks like it so much? Anyways, I was still grateful for the beer. Though you can't tell in the photo, they had a great view of the city from rooftop. Check out their website for a much better view from the rooftop.

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